Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Half Mast

So, Derek got a fish at the church carnival/celebration/new building something or other. I worked the boothe with the goldfish you could catch. It's true, for some reason I am bitter about organized religion, but shine a light on me I worked their celebration thinging. I am still trying not to be bitter about the stupid sign they gave our boothe when everyone else had a cool printed one, or the fact that I asked THREE people where to set up before I finally picked a spopt and set up only to be made a fool by the event coordinator. Did I mention that I am not bitter or at least trying not to be.
Okay so the fish we bought were the el cheapp feeder fish, but come on our little group does not have tons of money to spend on carnival prizes. (we were the biggest hit of the carnival, not that I am one to brag). Derek caught his fish and we added it to our other gold fish we have had since last March. He died a couple days later. Derek cried. I sent him to Clint for a lesson on life and how you have a soul and a body. Yes people, this is over a fish.
Fast forward to the weekend. We met my mom at McDonalds and the flag was flying at half mast. I am not sure for who, but it was. Here is my conversation with Derek:
D: Mom why is the flag only half way up
Me: (sorry but not in the mood for an exlpanation) I don't know
D: Daddy told me it is because someone dies
Me: Oh yep that is right, that is how we honor people that have died in service
D: Maybe it is for my fish
Me: (silence)
D: Nah I bet they don't fly a flag half way up for a fish
Me: (silence)
D: I bet they only do that for people
Mel I bet you are right

To all the girls I loved before...

Okay to all who commented on my last blog... and I don't want to call anyone out...KELLI, HEATHER, ANNE...Let me start by saying that SELLING computers is totally different from FIXING computers. With the exception of Tymon who I spent a night on the phone with and finally decided that with him being FOUR HOURS down I-35 could not really help me.
I will attempt to pick up where I left off as difficult as that may be.